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Carsinigin (pronounced kär-ˈsi-nə-jən) a deliberate misspelling of "carcinogen"

Definition: a substance or agent causing cancer

Team Xbox

With all my PC gaming background the switch in the last couple years over to gaming on a console has been quite a trip. I've always visited a few PC centric gaming sites such as Blues News and geek centric sites like slashdot. Those are not the best sources of information about what cool Xbox features are coming out. I've been looking around for a Xbox site that would fullfill my Xbox news needs and most of the sites that I had found have been stale or just a commerical machine to get advertising hits without any true gamer feelings, or its run by an organization that is centered on some other form of gaming. Over the last couple days I've been visiting www.teamxbox.com and I've got to say I'm quite impressed. It looks like that have tons of information on the Xbox and it's updated regularly. I'm going to have to keep my eye on that site and see if it's worth adding to my list of site I regularly visit.
Published Friday, September 10, 2004 3:49 PM by Carsinigin
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