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Carsinigin (pronounced kär-ˈsi-nə-jən) a deliberate misspelling of "carcinogen"

Definition: a substance or agent causing cancer

Community Server 1.0 - Still waiting for the real release

Feb 18, 2005 – Community Server 1.0 “Released”

Feb 25, 2005 – Community Server 1.0 Source “Released”

It’s now 2+ weeks later and I’m still running .Text .95 and CS Forums 2.0.1. What’s wrong???

The first thing that is wrong is they didn’t release the source on release day. WTF mate? Why they didn’t release code with each beta or Release Candidate I don’t know, I guess they don’t get the idea of open source where other developers look at and use your code and suggest improvements and give you bug fixes. Hell you should only release source code during betas. That way people who don’t know jack can’t even get it to compile.

Second where are the converters? The upgrade tools that where promised to be released along side of CS 1.0 that would take our .Text and CS Forums and merge them magically into the new CS database. I could tell you back when they released the source less beta 1 that was going to be an issue. I can’t believe they haven’t made this a higher priority. How do they expect to grow their market share if the current market share can run their latest offering?

One thing I’ve been wondering about for a while. .Text blogs have their own galleries. I’ve got quite a few that I use for different reasons. CS:Blogs do not have galleries. Again WTF?

Well at least with a week without source code I’ve got created a theme for the forum part that matches my home page. Don’t get me started on XHTML support and fucking Free text box.

Published Monday, March 7, 2005 5:41 PM by Carsinigin
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